Saturday, January 31, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 2/4

Send an email to me at so I'll have everyone's address in a mailing list.

"Colors" open notes
  • Based on the passage, create the 1/2 page of notes that you would want to bring in with you for an open notes test.
  • This exercise will be the basis of an activity that we'll do next week, so bring something that you can be proud to share.

Eat That Frog!

  • Read the Introduction.
  • In the text, mark the three ideas that you think are most interesting or important.
  • Choose one of those ideas. In your Brain Book or on your blog, make an entry in which you explore: What does that idea have to do with me -- the way I do things, my goals, my habits . . . (When I give a list of things to write about, you don't have to do them all. I'm just giving you some ideas for getting started.)
  • Be prepared to present your "most important idea" for small group discussion. You don't have to agree with the author. Your presentation can be an argument against his recommendations as long as you're prepared to give logical reasons for your argument. Or, if you think he's right, why?
Your group will be doing some intensive vocabulary exploration based on this chapter, so prepare yourself by familiarizing yourself with the text.

Brain Book

Choose two of the following for entries in your Brain Book:
  • What is a neuron, and what do neurons have to do with us?
  • What is the Year of the Ox, and what does the Year of the Ox have to do with us?
  • How does stress affect the brain, and what does it have to do with us?
  • Choose one of our Cool Words. Google it along with a topic that interests you. Copy the most interesting sentence into your Brain Book. Copy and paste all three sentences into an email and send them to me at
Be prepared to share one of your Brain Book entries with your group.

Vocabulary, ongoing
Any time you come across juicy words, either in class readings or in the world, collect them. Start listing them in the vocabulary section of your notebook.

Wednesday: H347
Bring supplies, Shawshank Redemption, and Eat that Frog!

Fridays we will meet in LB26.

Setting up your own Blog

If you want to experiment with your own blog, click on the link in the upper right-hand corner and follow the instructions. I think you'll have to set up a Gmail account if you don't already have one. That's cool -- Gmail is great and you're going to need it for some class activities anyway, so go for it. Let me know if you have questions.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Cool Words



ReadSpot Question of the Week

Why bother? What good is a prodigious vocabulary? We all know enough basic words to communicate what we need. Why bother?

Comment below.


This is our class class blog. You can find assignments here, add comments, go to links, and start your own blog if you'd like. Welcome to the class.

Wednesdays: We'll be meeting in H327.
Be sure to bring your QCC ID for checking out a laptop.

Fridays: We'll be meeting in LB26.
Anyone who would like to bring a laptop is welcome to do that.