Thursday, January 29, 2009

ReadSpot Question of the Week

Why bother? What good is a prodigious vocabulary? We all know enough basic words to communicate what we need. Why bother?

Comment below.


  1. I think that using prodigious words helps broaden our vocabulary which many times helps us understand things or certain situations we may encounter in our lives. A job may require you to know and understand prodigious words!

  2. At frist i did not know what prodigios ment until i looked it up.i think that we should have a prodigious vocabulary because we many need to use a word in differnt way then we do everyday, and you never know when you might have to use then.

  3. i think it is important to have a prodigious vocabulary because you would have more ways to express a word and its always good to extend your vocabulary. you may not use it now but it will be very helpful, at least one day.
