Saturday, March 28, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 4/1

Just email me, and I'll send you the work!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 3/25

First, there are several things that need to be made clear:
  • Using a cellphone or iPod during class is rude, disrespectful, and disruptive. From now on, doing so will be cause for dismissal from class.
  • When the teacher or another student is addressing the class, anyone who cannot listen quietly and respectfully will be dismissed.
  • People who do not turn in homework will not be able to take the ACT test at the end of the semester, which means repeating the class.
For Wednesday, the Shawhank assignment is very short because I'm giving you a take-home written test on those pages. The pages are 70 - 73. You need to email me for the test.

I gave out a new vocabulary page. You need to email me for that as well.

Eat That Frog!
Chapter 12, the usual

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assignment for Friday 3/20

Eat That Frog! Chapter 11 (the usual)

New WordCloud page (you need to email me for it)

LATE paragraph assignment bringing together "Reflections on a Broken Zipper" and Parenting Styles Theory

Bring Why Do People

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hot Potatoes Instructions

  • Click on the link under Links on the right-hand side of this page, or go to and click on the log-in link.
  • Both your User Name and your Password will be your last name.
  • Click on Pages.
  • The first set of quizzes is Parenting Styles. As you work in the on-line quiz, use the paper packet to do the analytical marking and to record any that you have trouble with.
  • When you finish a quiz, you will flip automatically to the Comments page. In the box, you can send me the numbers of any questions that you missed, and I'll look at them with you.
  • Then hit the "click here" link to go back to Pages and the next quiz.
  • If the computer tells you that you have not completed the quiz, it's because you never found the right answer. On each question, keep working till you get it.

Quizlet Instructions

  • Go to or follow the link from my blog.
  • Go to the search box in the upper right hand corner. Type in Readspot, and you will go to my page. There are now four sets of quizzes for you to choose from.
  • You can start with Familiarize or Learn if you feel like you need it, but I suspect that you’re ready to go straight to the games in the second row. See what you think. Have fun.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 3/18

Complete the "Zipper" workbook

Paragraph assignment: Analysis of "Reflections on a Broken Zipper" using Baumrind's Theory of Parenting Styles

  • Type
  • Double space

Shawshank pp. 64 - 70

Eat That Frog! Chapter 10 - the usual

Word Cloud: Words about evidence and credibility

  • perspective (From my perspective . . .)
  • discrepancy (There were discrepancies in his story . . .)
  • incontrovertible (The evidence was incontrovertible.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assignment for Friday 3/13

Why Do People: Parenting Styles Theory, pp. 105 – 108
Read first sentences of paragraphs and use your BrainBook to record –
  • what do you already know about the article?
  • what do you need to find out?
Read the passage, marking for main ideas and relevant details.
Evaluate the sample outlines of ¶ 2 on p. 107: which one would you prefer to study from?

Why Do People: “Reflections on a Broken Zipper,” pp. 24, 26, 28, 30, & 32
As you read,
  • at the bottom of each page, write in your own words the most important or interesting idea on that page.
  • mark at least two places in which you notice the way Canada’s relationship with the kids changes; challenge – relate those changes to parenting styles theory
Why Do People: vocabulary
If you haven't already done pages 20 - 22 in WDP, be sure to catch up on that for Friday.

Eat That Frog, Chapter 9, pp. 56 – 59 (the usual)

WordCloud: preliminary, subsequent, terminal

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 3/11

If you were absent on Friday, email me for the handout that we worked on in class. And here's the new assignment:

Shawshank Redemption
, pp. 56 - 64
Complete the last set of workbook pages if you haven't already.

Eat That Frog, Chapter 8, pp. 47 - 55
For your Frog/BrainBook entry,
- do the usual, and
- choose one of the two exercises on page 55.
And ask yourself: Is he realistic? Can you really narrow priorities down to three?

Why Do People: Laila vocabulary, pp. 20 – 22

WordCloud: concur, verify, presumably (words about knowing)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/6

Why Do People
Written Response: Write one paragraph in which you discuss your opinion of Laila Ali’s decision to box. Should she or should she not have made that move? In that paragraph, include –
  • at least one quotation from “Another Ali Enters the Ring";
  • the terms intrinsic and extrinsic;
  • at least three stages from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Type. Double space. Print. This work will be the basis for our work in class Friday, so getting credit for attendance depends on taking responsibility for this task. Ask me if you have questions.

Analysis: If you had trouble with the Laila – Maslow chart, based on what we talk about in class, go back and fill in at least five boxes in the chart. If you were absent and are having trouble with that, email me. I'll get you started.

Eat That Frog, Chapter 7, pp. 41 – 46
On page 42, the author defines “key result areas.”
  • Mark that definition in your book.
  • In the next section, Tracy identifies seven key result areas for management and sales. Now consider, what are the 5 – 7 most important aspects of being a student that you are completely responsible for? List those 5 – 7 areas in your BrainBook.
  • Follow Tracy’s instructions on p. 44 for giving yourself a grade in each area.
  • Also in your BrainBook, answer Tracy’s question: What is the one skill or habit that could have the greatest impact on your career as a student? What would you need to do to enhance it?
You’re pretty much working independently in Frog. The people’s BrainBooks that I have seen so far have done a good job of applying the book to their own lives.

Word Cloud: Find or create sentences for adamant, tentative, & pertinent. (If you've already done them, good for you. I'll have new ones for Friday.) Also, catch up with your own words. I’ll be checking them on Friday.

Why Do People
Eat That Frog

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 3/4

If you missed class on Friday, you can email me for the assignment: