Saturday, March 21, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 3/25

First, there are several things that need to be made clear:
  • Using a cellphone or iPod during class is rude, disrespectful, and disruptive. From now on, doing so will be cause for dismissal from class.
  • When the teacher or another student is addressing the class, anyone who cannot listen quietly and respectfully will be dismissed.
  • People who do not turn in homework will not be able to take the ACT test at the end of the semester, which means repeating the class.
For Wednesday, the Shawhank assignment is very short because I'm giving you a take-home written test on those pages. The pages are 70 - 73. You need to email me for the test.

I gave out a new vocabulary page. You need to email me for that as well.

Eat That Frog!
Chapter 12, the usual

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