Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assignment for Friday 3/13

Why Do People: Parenting Styles Theory, pp. 105 – 108
Read first sentences of paragraphs and use your BrainBook to record –
  • what do you already know about the article?
  • what do you need to find out?
Read the passage, marking for main ideas and relevant details.
Evaluate the sample outlines of ¶ 2 on p. 107: which one would you prefer to study from?

Why Do People: “Reflections on a Broken Zipper,” pp. 24, 26, 28, 30, & 32
As you read,
  • at the bottom of each page, write in your own words the most important or interesting idea on that page.
  • mark at least two places in which you notice the way Canada’s relationship with the kids changes; challenge – relate those changes to parenting styles theory
Why Do People: vocabulary
If you haven't already done pages 20 - 22 in WDP, be sure to catch up on that for Friday.

Eat That Frog, Chapter 9, pp. 56 – 59 (the usual)

WordCloud: preliminary, subsequent, terminal

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