Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/6

Why Do People
Written Response: Write one paragraph in which you discuss your opinion of Laila Ali’s decision to box. Should she or should she not have made that move? In that paragraph, include –
  • at least one quotation from “Another Ali Enters the Ring";
  • the terms intrinsic and extrinsic;
  • at least three stages from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Type. Double space. Print. This work will be the basis for our work in class Friday, so getting credit for attendance depends on taking responsibility for this task. Ask me if you have questions.

Analysis: If you had trouble with the Laila – Maslow chart, based on what we talk about in class, go back and fill in at least five boxes in the chart. If you were absent and are having trouble with that, email me. I'll get you started.

Eat That Frog, Chapter 7, pp. 41 – 46
On page 42, the author defines “key result areas.”
  • Mark that definition in your book.
  • In the next section, Tracy identifies seven key result areas for management and sales. Now consider, what are the 5 – 7 most important aspects of being a student that you are completely responsible for? List those 5 – 7 areas in your BrainBook.
  • Follow Tracy’s instructions on p. 44 for giving yourself a grade in each area.
  • Also in your BrainBook, answer Tracy’s question: What is the one skill or habit that could have the greatest impact on your career as a student? What would you need to do to enhance it?
You’re pretty much working independently in Frog. The people’s BrainBooks that I have seen so far have done a good job of applying the book to their own lives.

Word Cloud: Find or create sentences for adamant, tentative, & pertinent. (If you've already done them, good for you. I'll have new ones for Friday.) Also, catch up with your own words. I’ll be checking them on Friday.

Why Do People
Eat That Frog

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