Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/13

If you haven't already sent me your email address, please take responsibility for doing that. There's a great online site that I want to invite everybody into.

Wrap-up from Wednesday

If you didn't have time to finish the analytical reading pages on Wednesday, finish them up and I'll collect them at the beginning of class. If you were absent, you can email me for the handout.

Eat That Frog!
Read Chapter 3 and do the usual:
  • Mark the three most important or interesting ideas.
  • Choose one of those ideas and use your BrainBook to explore it: Put it in your own words and think on paper -- what does it have to do with you?
You can just bring your BrainBook entry with you on Friday. You won't need the actual Frog book.

Why Do People, pp. 86-88
Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of "A Retrieved Reformation." Bring a colored pen -- you'll be checking those pages in groups.

"Word Cloud" Words
  • cognition
  • articulate
  • irony
1. Look them up and fill in the definitions on the handout.
2. Go online and find at least one sentence using each of the words. You can Google the word along with something that you're interested in, for example, cognition and basketball or irony and computer graphics or articulate and music. No matter what interests you, these words are probably going to show up.
Once you get to the webpage, I think you can hit control-F to find the word you're looking for. We'll talk Friday about how this is working.

BrainBook Question of the Week
If you want to learn in a class, what are the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups?
  • What is a good group? What happens to make it good? What do people do?
  • Can a group expedite your learning? Can it enhance your cognition? If so, how?
Use your BrainBook to explore this question. We'll discuss it in class.

  • at least one colored pen
  • Why Do People
  • BrainBook (I'll start checking in the work that people have done in it)
Thinking Ahead
Your Shawshank assignment for Wednesday will be pp. 25-36.

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