Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/27

In-class Work
If you were absent Wednesday, the first important thing to do is take care of what we did in class:
  • Groups worked together to make sure that they had really good answers for the second part of the Maslow workbook. What we found was that although people had done the assignment, their answers were often not specific enough. So double-check your answers to make sure that they show a deep understanding of the text.
  • We did a workbook for pages 38-48 of Shawshank Redemption. You can email me for the workbook.
Why Do People
The new assignment in my book is pages 10 and 138. This vocabulary will provide the foundation for reading our next narrative. Page 10 will introduce the vocabulary, and page 138 will help you internalize it.

Page 10:
  • Follow the instructions for the top of the page.
  • When you get to the two textbook paragraphs in the bottom half of the page, read for key concepts. Mark the 3-5 words that are most important for understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  • When you revisit your lists at the top, mark them: Which ones are intrinsically motivated? Which are extrinsically motivated? For which are you not motivated at all?
Page 135:
  • Follow the instructions for analyzing the examples.
  • For the "Create Your Own" activity, instead of choosing any old activity, take this opportunity for thinking about the activity that you wrote your Initial Motivation Essay about. Explore that activity in writing. What are the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for that activity? You can use your BrainBook for this thinking. You should be able to get at least a half-page of thinking about this.

BrainBooks & Word Clouds
I checked in people's BrainBook and WordCloud work. I purposely did not give a new Eat That Frog or vocabulary assignment because I want to check in on people's work before we go any further, so be sure that you're caught up. Email me if you have any questions.

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