Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/20

Why Do People
I gave out a handout that's connected with Why Do People. You can email me for it.

Eat That Frog! pp. 30-32
The usual: Mark for most important ideas. Use your BrainBook to reflect on what it has to do with you.

Word Cloud
New words: generalization, specificity, explicit
Here's a definition for one of our earlier words:
irony - incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs
We'll talk about what that means.

Staying Caught Up
Under Labels on the right hand side of this page, you can click on Assignments to review back assignments and make sure that you are caught up.
  • Especially, be sure to do the Initial Motivation Essay that was due Wednesday. I've made a label for it on the right side of this page.
  • I'll be checking BrainBooks and Word Clouds on Friday, so make sure you're at least on the right path even if you're not totally caught up.
Email me if you have any questions.

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