Saturday, February 7, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday 2/11

Shawshank Redemption
  • Read through page 25.
  • Be prepared for a KWIKquiz over those pages. My KWIKquizzes are very simple. If you have simply read the assignment, you will pass them.

Eat That Frog! Chapter Two
  • In the text, mark the three most important or most interesting ideas in the chapter.
  • In your BrainBook, choose one of those ideas and explore in writing -- what does it have to do with you?
I will start doing spot checks in BrainBooks on Wednesday, so make sure that you've done this part of the assignment.

Word Cloud: Academic Vocabulary
I will start giving you three academic vocabulary words to look up for each class. Come prepared with these definitions.
  • conjecture
  • misanthrope
  • succinct
I'll explain the rest of the "Word Cloud" to you in class.

In-class readings from Friday: Why Do People Do What They Do?
We worked on the Theory of Moral Development (p. 123), and we read the short story "A Retrieved Reformation" (79-83). We'll do some follow-up on those readings on Wednesday, so familiarize yourself with the theory and have fun reading the story -- it's a great one.

You can email me if you have any questions ( If you haven't sent me your email address yet, please do that too. See you in H347 on Wednesday.

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