Friday, February 13, 2009

Ground Rules

Responsibility for Homework
Starting Wednesday, I will not teach any students who have not taken responsibility for their homework. I will mark them absent and send them to the library to do their work. My attention belongs to those who have taken responsibility for their work.

Expecting to pass a class without doing the work is not an adult expectation.

Classroom Behavior
Anyone who is being disruptive towards a classmate will be dismissed and will not be allowed back into class until they have had a meeting with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Anyone who is being bothered by a classmate remains responsible for his or her own behavior. Disruptiveness is not acceptable, regardless of the cause. Do not lower yourself to someone else's level.

Responsibility for Class Materials
If you are not yet able to purchase a book, take responsibility for making arrangements with me. We will work something out. Simply showing up without the work is not acceptable.

Turning in Work
Do not wait for me to ask for class work. If you have completed something and want to receive credit for it, put it in the basket on my desk.

If you did not have time to complete something during class, finish it for the next time and put it in my basket.

Diligence & Persistence
This class has huge potential for doing good work. Let's do it. Show me.

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