Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment for Friday 2/6

1. Please send an email to me at so I can get in touch with all of you if I need to.

2. Read Chapter 1 of Eat That Frog!
  • In the text, mark the three most important or most interesting ideas in the chapter.
  • In your BrainBook, choose one of those ideas and explore in writing -- what does it have to do with you?
I'll start doing spot checks on BrainBooks on Friday, so don't come with an empty book!

3. Read page 123 of Why Do People Do What They Do? (WDP)
  • Have fun with the Heinz Question. You don't need to mark up those two paragraphs unless you want to.
  • For each of the other paragraphs, do some thoughtful marking. Mark the 3-5 words that you think best capture the meaning of the paragraph. If you were going to study from your markings a month from now, what words would help you the most?
Consider the possibility of a KWIKquiz (my quick way of knowing that you took mature adult responsibility for your work!).

The following should be already submitted. If you haven't turned them in, they'll be LATE, but you still need to turn them in:
  • choice newspaper article;
  • "Colors" open notes.
I also need a Student Info form if you haven't done that yet. Please ask me for it if you don't have one.

For Wednesday, 2/11:

Shawshank Redemption
  • Pages 15 - 25; mark for evidence of character -- What kind of guy is the narrator? What kind of guy is Andy Dufresne? What kind of evidence does Steven King give us that lets us know who these guys are?
  • Circle any juicy vocabulary words that you find. Choose one to look up and write the meaning in the margin.
Eat That Frog!
  • Chapter 2
  • The usual: Mark the three most interesting ideas. Choose one to explore in your BrainBook.
I'll explain a short writing assignment on Friday.

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